This being said, you can pair it with the likes of Flameskull to mitigate some of those risk. If you’re really lucky and get a 20, each opponent sacrifices two permanents.This is an interesting card that can potentially mess up your own board, a perfect fit for red. If you roll between a 1 and 9, each player sacrifices a permanent, if you roll between 10 and 19, only your opponent does. It doesn’t just stay here though and the Earth-Cult Elemental is a worthwhile card to talk about for how much it can mess up either player. Magic: The Gathering Adventures In The Forgotten Realms: RedĪs you might anticipate, red has quite a few goblins this time around, a good fit for the set. This is a really cool colour this time around. There’s also a meaningful risk with the likes of Herald of Hadar who gets you to roll to potentially deal damage to your opponent or even make a few tokens to sacrifice. Though she is a bit expensive, she’s worth every drop of mana.īlack plays into the venture mechanic well with cards like Zombie Ogre that lets you venture if you lost a creature that turn. This does mean destroying your own board but it also means you can gain tonnes of loyalty in one go, a worthwhile trade off. All about buffing yourself by killing yourself, she can only gain loyalty by letting your own creatures die. Lolth, Spider Queen is not only a really cool planeswalker with great abilities but it fits so well into what exactly black aims to do. Magic: The Gathering Adventures In The Forgotten Realms: Blackīlack fits with the D&D theming so well and is possibly my favourite addition to any colour. I wouldn’t play this set for the blue but it’s a solid addition. This is a small difference that leaves a little tension in the air, especially when played alongside Pixie Guide, which allows you to roll two dice and pick the greatest outcome.īlue doesn’t feel fundamentally changed by this set but the interesting lore and fun new mechanics add just one more side to the way you think about the game. The flash 2 /1 Scion of Stygia allows you to either roll to tap a creature or roll to tap it and keep it tapped for an extra turn. It can be great among your friends to not entirely know the extent of the card you’re about to play. This plays into the theme of a mage constantly attempting new ideas and awaiting the outcome in a fun way. Magic: The Gathering Adventures In The Forgotten Realms: Blueīlue plays into the roll mechanic quite a lot in my time with it. White isn’t incredibly powerful but these cards play around its biggest weaknesses in ways that pay homage to D&D well. In a non-commander deck, having four of these ready is a nice way of getting guys on the field alongside a nice mana ramp. It’s a 3 / dog with vigilance that allows you to place a land from your library if your opponent has more than you. Making up for white’s lack of mana, the Loyal Warhound is a really solid 2 mana cast. If challenged by a board wipe or any other particularly nasty card, this is a hail mary that could win your game and it only costs three mana. They cost 3 mana (2 white) and are a flying creature with vigilance and 3 / 2 stats. The Guardian of Faith is a particularly great card that allows you to phase out as many creatures as you like for one turn as they enter the battlefield. There’s something almost cheeky about some of best cards in this set. White will always have its problems but this set plays into the theming of D&D to do some very interesting things. Magic: The Gathering Adventures In The Forgotten Realms: White You can also have multiple classes and can work on them at the same time. You have to play with that information in order to scare them into doing certain moves or misunderstanding what you are ramping up to. You get some very powerful abilities but your opponent can then see the next two levels you take. You can then, at any time you can cast a sorcery, level up that class with the right mana to give you a brand new ability. Taking the druid class as an example, attaching a class sets it at level 1 and grants the abilities of a level 1 class (whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life). A new enchantment type, this equips to you and can grant new abilities or buffs.

Magic: The Gathering Adventures In The Forgotten Realms New Mechanic - ClassesĬlasses are one of my favourite additions to this set.